
Benefits of Green Smoothies Plus a Bonus Recipe

A green smoothie is a smoothie that is blended with fresh, leafy, dark green vegetables. These can be vegetables such as collard greens, kale, rainbow or Swiss chard or spinach. Some people also use fresh green herbs such as mint or parsley in . . .

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10 Tips For a Better Night’s Rest

Getting a good night’s rest is important for our physical health. A good night’s rest is vital for memory consolidation and gives time for resting our muscles and for our skin. Did you know the term “beauty sleep” is true? The better we sleep . . .

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Health Benefits of Drinking Water

It’s impossible to deny that my entire body looks and feels better when I am especially good about getting my eight glasses of water each day. That being said, I am notoriously terrible at keeping up with this beneficial beauty habit. While loo. . .

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The 5 Best Supplements For Your Skin

Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before taking any supplements. We are not medical professionals. I have always wished for the day when good skin would come in the form of a pill. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. However, there are se. . .

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7 Tips For Preventing Wrinkles

Wrinkles might look cute on a Shar Pei but not on your face. Your body produces collagen, which keeps your skin smooth and young-looking. As you age, it begins to slow down production. This leads to saggy skin and wrinkles. No need to worry t. . .

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Should You Wear an SPF in The Winter?

It can be easy to let your sun protection habit slide when the weather cools, but the truth is that your skin needs protecting even if you’re no longer spending your days lounging by the pool. I am extremely fair and have always had to be very. . .

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Top 6 Health Benefits of Sleep

A good night’s sleep does more than just make you feel better. Adequate sleep is a key element of an overall healthy lifestyle. It can benefit your heart, brain, and even your beauty. We’ve collected the top health benefits of getting a good ni. . .

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6 Tips For Clearer Skin

Having a hard time keeping your skin clear? Use these six methods to help your skin look clean, clear, and radiant. Wash Before Bed Not washing away the day’s grime? You’re asking for a breakout. Stash waterless cleansers on your nightstand f. . .

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Top 7 Best Foods & Drinks For Your Skin

Our skin is the largest organ on our bodies so it makes sense that what is good for our whole body is also good for our skin. The things we can do to beautify our skin are significantly similar to what we can do to live a long and healthy life. . .

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Top 7 Tips For Treating Oily Skin

Oil helps keep skin healthy but too much can cause blemishes and acne flare-ups. Luckily, there are easy ways to reduce oiliness for the perfect balance of hydration. Below are 7 tips to reduce your oily skin and keep your face looking gorgeous. . .

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Top 5 Best Fruits For Your Skin

I love slathering my face with serums as much as the next girl but did it ever occur to you that maybe the secret to beautiful skin lies in your shopping list? There's no shortage of data out there that proves choosing the right foods can actu. . .

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Dry Skin Care Tips

Fall is in the air and with the arrival of boots and sweaters also comes a change in my skin care routine. The fact is that when summer's humidity disappears my skin tends to get a little dry and I know I'm not alone. Here are a few things tha. . .

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