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7 Things You Should Avoid for Flawless Skin

7 Things You Should Avoid for Flawless Skin
Who doesn’t want flawless skin? But if your quest for perfect skin has been a bit of a rocky road, it could be because you’re doing one of these major no-no’s! We’re breaking down seven things you should avoid for flawless skin...

1. Salt

Salt While you may love those salty snacks, consuming too much sodium isn’t doing your skin any favors. Salt encourages your body to retain water, which can leave your skin looking puffy and bloated. Not a good look! Plus, too much salt in your diet can lead to breakouts. You don’t have to eliminate salt entirely, but you should consider cutting back to avoid these pesky problems!

2. Toxins and Irritants From Detergents

 You may be surprised to see detergents on this list, as it’s something we all use in our daily lives. But the truth is, these detergents are packed with a variety of chemicals that can leave our skin feeling irritated. If you’ve been suffering from mystery breakouts, it could be the detergent you used to wash your pillowcase. You may want to consider switching to a fragrance-free detergent to decrease the likelihood of getting breakouts.

3. Alcohol

WineHave you ever noticed your skin doesn’t look too great after a night of drinking? That’s because alcohol is a natural diuretic, which can dry out your skin. Unfortunately, all alcohol will do this to your skin, so the only way to avoid this problem is to not drink at all. If you do drink, limit your intake to prevent your skin from becoming too dehydrated.

4. Prolonged Sun Exposure

Sunscreen It should come as no surprise that this one has made the list! Exposure to the sun is very damaging to our skin. Not only can it cause sunburns, it can also speed up the aging process. Make sure to always wear SPF when spending any amount of time outdoors and avoid staying out in direct sunlight for too long.

5. “Cheap” Skincare Products

Unfortunately, some of your skincare products might be doing more harm than good. Some “cheaper” products contain ingredients that can be too harsh, while other products might not work at all. You should make sure you’re putting quality ingredients on your face – it’s the first thing people see when they meet you!

6. Popping Your Own Pimples

Many of you reading this are probably guilty of popping your own pimples, but it’s time to stop. Attempting to pop your own pimples can irritate the skin and make the problem much worse. Plus, it can also spread bacteria and lead to scarring. Your best bet is to leave the pimple alone and let it run its course. However, if you have one you absolutely must get rid of, seek a professional to help you out!

7. Forgetting About Your Neck

While you’re spending all that time taking care of your face, don’t forget to tend to your neck! So many women are guilty of neglecting their neck when it comes to skincare. Our necks are just as prone to wrinkles and other signs of aging, such as sagging skin. Keep your neck looking its best by treating it just like you would your face and applying moisturizer and anti-aging products.
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