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What is Subclinical Acne?

What is Subclinical Acne?
Have you ever looked in the mirror, only to notice a few mysterious bumps on your face? These are skin-colored or lightly red bumps that typically aren’t able to “pop” like a normal pimple. And for some reason, they never seem to go away... Instead, they just leave you feeling frustrated because nothing you do gets rid of these pesky little spots. If you’ve ever experienced this, or you’re currently experiencing it right now, it means you’re dealing with subclinical acne, which is a precursor to acne. You may have noticed them on your forehead or maybe even on your cheeks. The good news is, there are steps you can take to banish them from your face. The key to getting rid of your subclinical acne is understanding exactly what it is and why it has developed on your skin. From there, you can make some changes in your skincare routine to kiss them goodbye and reveal a flawless, smooth face.

So, What is Subclinical Acne?

Many blemishes rise to the surface and typically leave you dealing with a red, irritated spot that’s filled with pus. Those are the inflamed, angry breakouts that we’re all too familiar with. Subclinical acne, on the other hand, is a bit different. When you have subclinical acne, there are bumps on your face that have risen to the surface, but they never develop the typical “head” that an inflamed lesion like a pustule, the technical name for a pimple does. It may be red, but it’s not necessarily visually irritated or inflamed. Instead, it just gives your skin an uneven texture. This is all caused by clogged pores. Subclinical acne is caused by hormones, genetics, and clogged pores, and is a precursor to acne. By now, you probably know that clogged pores are brought on by an excess of sebum (oil) on the skin. Dirt and dead skin cells can also clog your pores, resulting in your typical pimple as well as subclinical acne. And if your pores are clogged, you’ll notice these spots popping up on your forehead, cheeks, chin, and nose.

How to Treat Your Subclinical Acne

If you’re checking out your skin right now and seeing a few bumps that you believe are subclinical acne, don’t panic. Getting rid of them isn’t going to require anything too in-depth. You simply need to make a few changes to your skincare routine.

1. Switch Up Your Facial Cleanser

The best way you can cleanse your skin and get the bacteria, dirt, and dead skin out of your pores is to be smart about the products you’re using. Make sure you’re using something that’s going to wash away the day’s makeup without leaving your skin dry and irritated. If you already have dry or sensitive skin, try a cream-based product that will calm and soothe the skin such as our Nettoyant Creme. On the other hand, if you have combination or oily skin, you’ll be better using Gel Nettoyant. It removes makeup while softening and purifying the skin.

2. Incorporate a Toner Into Your Daily Routine

Are you using a toning LOTION after cleansing your skin? If not and you suffer from subclinical acne, you should be. This is because using a cleanser is only part one of the cleansing process. While your cleanser should remove the dirt and bacteria on your skin, a toner will also help in the purification process. The two Lotion YON-KA toners are highly anti-septic and purifying, because they contain the essential oils of lavender, geranium, rosemary, cypress, and thyme, known collectively as Quintessence. Regardless of the skin type you have, the right toner is an essential part of any successful skincare routine. Our Lotion Yon-Ka PNG is designed for normal to oily skin. It’s also a favorite of Martha Stewart. And if you have dry, dehydrated, or sensitive skin, the Lotion Yon-Ka PS will be your go-to toner.

3. Skip the Makeup From Time to Time

Makeup plays a huge part in clogged pores. And if you’re dealing with subclinical acne, it may only be making the situation worse. It’s important to give your skin a break from time to time and skip wearing makeup whenever you can. Commit yourself to makeup-free weekends or ditching all the foundation and powder whenever you can to give your skin time to “breathe”.

4. Resist the Urge to Pick Your Skin

Last, but certainly not least, make sure you don’t pick at your skin. Trying to pop these little bumps is only going to make the situation worse by irritating and inflaming them. If you want them to go away as quickly as possible, focus on treating them with the proper skincare products and see a professional for regular facials.
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