We all have those moments when suddenly a food craving hits. You start wanting something salty or something sweet and go scouring the kitchen for anything that will satisfy your needs. These cravings seemingly come out of nowhere. We give into them far more often than we’d like to admit. Unfortunately, those pesky cravings can lead to overeating and other issues. So, how do we put a stop to it once and for all? Here are five tips to help you overcome your next craving...
Typically, we eat just three meals per day. But sticking to breakfast, lunch, and dinner often leaves us hungry for snacks. And, more often than not, when those snack cravings hit, we reach for something unhealthy. Curb those cravings by eating more frequently.
Try eating six smaller meals throughout the day instead. By eating less more often, you’ll stay full throughout the day. You’ll also be more likely to make better food choices when you do, as opposed to just eating whatever happens to be nearby.
When you find yourself craving a little something to eat, make a conscious decision to choose the healthier option instead. It sounds so obvious, but sometimes it’s not an easy decision to make when we’re craving those sweet treats. Skip the sugary and fatty snacks and go for fruit instead.
Feeling a food craving coming on? Chew a piece of gum! It may sound too simple to work, but it actually does. Studies have shown that gum can reduce your food cravings. Keep a sugar-free gum with you and reach for it when you need to fight off those mid-morning or mid-afternoon cravings.
The next time those cravings strike, stop before you start eating anything. Ask yourself, “Am I really hungry?” Learn the difference between physiological cravings versus psychological cravings. A physiological craving is when you’re hungry because your body needs the nutrients. However, a psychological craving is when you only think you’re hungry, but your body doesn’t actually need the extra food.
If you determine that you’re actually hungry and need to eat, go for something filling and nutritious. If you realize you’re not hungry, and that it’s just a craving instead, do something else to take your mind off of it. Don’t give in to eating when you aren’t hungry. Giving in every time can lead to overeating, which is not a healthy habit to have.
It should come as no surprise that if you have junk food in the house, you’re going to be much more likely to eat it. The next time you head to the grocery store, don’t fill your cart with potato chips, cookies, and other unhealthy treats. Get a selection of nutritious foods to keep at home. When you eliminate the junk food from your house, you won’t be able to give into your temptations as easily.
If you work in an office and find yourself snacking on whatever you can get your hands on throughout the day, pack better options. Fruit, yogurt, and granola make great snacks that will also provide an energy boost! Here’s a great list of 100-calorie snacks to help curb your appetite.
Eat Less, But More Often

Swap a Bad Food for a Good One

Grab Some Gum

Why Are You Hungry?

Get Rid of Bad Food in Your Home