2015 marks my thirtieth third trip around the sun and to say that my skin has a mind of its own these days would be an understatement.
If you can relate and have also recently noticed changes in your skin, know that we are not alone. My dermatologist has reassured me that it’s not uncommon for adults to have skin problems. Thankfully there are several common afflictions that we can begin treating now...
Perhaps the most frustrating, this skin issue is most commonly associated with hormonal teenagers, but more than half of all adults who have had acne will continue to experience it into adulthood – and I am one of them. I have found that the partnership of a trusted esthetician and dermatologist can help to keep my skin clear and thankfully there are a myriad of products from sold at various shopping outlets or spas that can help to keep breakouts at bay.
A skin issue that most of us consider to be a childhood problem, eczema can present in adulthood. Thankfully, there are treatments like lotions, facial moisturizers, and oatmeal baths that can help ensure this issue is only a minor and occasional annoyance. Aside from topical solutions, cold compresses and soft, comfortable clothing can also help to soothe dry, itchy skin.
This one cropped up for me during my pregnancy, but it turns out that resulting damage from too much sun bathing or acne scarring as a teenager can first become visible in the adult years. If you suffer from hyperpigmentation, it’s important to uncover the relying cause and discuss your condition with a dermatologist before seeking treatment.
Initially cropping up around the eyes, there’s nothing that says, “Welcome to adulthood!” like finding your first wrinkle. Whether you opt to embrace the aging process or you choose to fight it with fillers and anti aging treatments, there are products and procedures at all price points, appropriate for any approach.
To smooth out the deepest of wrinkles, try Yon-Ka’s Stimulastine Jour. With Boswellia, grape seed oil, and soy peptides, it not only makes you look younger, its invigorating scent will make you feel younger too!
Redness on the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead could just be a natural flush, but it’s important to know that rosacea is also a common culprit. This one does not normally appear before age 30 and requires treatment along with simple lifestyle changes to keep symptoms to a minimum.
Have you been faced with any of these adult skin issues? How are you handling it?
1. Acne

2. Eczema

3. Hyperpigmentation and Sunspots

4. Wrinkles

5. Rosacea