If the word chia makes you think of a certain plant-type pet that lives on your window sill, it may be time to do a little reading up on the beauty world’s favorite superfood. Chia seeds actually date back to the ancients, but they are becoming surprisingly relevant again as a way to accomplish anything from glowing skin to weight loss. Curious to learn more? Read on to find seven seasons why chia seeds should have a home in every refrigerator.
Not only do chia seeds help you to feel fuller longer, but their balance of protein and fiber makes them an excellent filler for smoothies and baked goods. They also have this awesome gelatinous texture when you mix them with things like almond milk or coconut milk – perfect for calming sugar cravings without the crash!
Chia seeds are nutrient-rich with things like magnesium and tryptophan (yes, like Thanksgiving turkey), both of which can help to lower anxiety levels and keep your stress hormones low. As a bonus, they are also chock full of calcium – great news for women who need their fix, but don’t love dairy. (If you’re like me, it does awful things to your skin!)
I have bizarrely high cholesterol. It’s a genetic thing, but scary nonetheless. Thankfully, chia is a natural way to lower your numbers and it’s a cinch to mix it in with my morning oatmeal. Since I’m a bit young for medication, this is a great way to keep my health in check without being too aggressive. Chia has also been known to boost your heart health – win, win!
If you’re sick of eating blueberries to get your fill of antioxidants, chia seeds pack even more punch! As a reminder, antioxidants protect our cells against free radicals which play a role in cancers and other diseases. Am I slowly convincing you that chia is nature’s perfect food?
Chia seeds are chock full of omega-3 fatty acids. This means they strengthen hair, skin and nails all while reducing inflammation and dryness. In addition to your regular skincare regimen, hop on down to your nearest natural market and scoop up some chia to add into your diet.
The bottom line is that chia seeds are a wonderful food to start adding to your diet. It’s easy to find and very, very simple to blend into your favorite recipes.
Do you mix chia into your diet? I would love to know how! Let me know in the comments below…
1. Add them to other foods for a healthy option.

2. They’ll calm your nerves.

3. They can lower bad cholesterol.

4. They are packed with anti-oxidants.

5. They are great for your skin, hair, and nails.