When it comes to fighting wrinkles, there's just as much bad information out there as there is good. In this post we take the time to call out the top five anti-aging myths you shouldn't believe...
If you’re only applying sunscreen on beach days, I hate to break it to you, but you’re doing it wrong! The truth is, sunscreen should be part of your daily skincare routine. Even if you aren’t planning on being out in the sun for an extended period of time, it’s still a good idea to apply SPF each and every morning. UVB rays can still damage your skin even if you’re sitting underneath an umbrella, driving in your car, or inside your house and near a window. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your skin, so use sunscreen daily to fully protect yourself from sun damage!
You’ve been religiously using you’re favorite serum and other anti-aging products. Now your skin is starting to look amazing. But that doesn’t mean you can stop using your anti-aging products. Your skin requires regular maintenance. And if you start slacking on your skincare, it will show. Continue using your anti-aging products even after results appear, otherwise you’ll just start seeing those pesky fine lines creeping back up again. Your skin doesn’t stop aging, so you must make sure you’re always taking care of it.
You may think it’s doing you good to apply an endless list of products to your skin every day, but you could be doing more harm than good. Using too many products, especially if they are not right for your particular needs, can actually cause irritation and increase your skin’s sensitivity. When your skin becomes more sensitive, the products you use can start causing redness and you can become more susceptible to sunburn when you’re outside. Don’t go overboard on products. It’s much more beneficial to use a few products that work well than to use a long list of items. When selecting the right products for you, focus on your skin type and the ingredients instead. Better yet, consult with a well-trained esthetician who is expert on customized skin care regimens.
Do you believe that what you’re eating doesn’t have an impact on your skin? Think again. The foods you consume can contribute to a dull skin tone and sagging skin. Yikes! Paul Jarrod Frank, M.D., a NYC dermatologist, said, “Sugar and inflammatory foods (refined carbohydrates, alcohol, and saturated fats) affect internal organs, which in turn affect the aging process.”
So, your mom had good reason to encourage you to eat your veggies! Vegetables and fish are anti-inflammatory foods that will help your skin look its best. Blueberries are great for smoothing fine lines because they are jam-packed with antioxidants and can help protect your skin from the damaging effects of free radicals. If you’re looking to firm your skin, reach for leafy greens like kale or spinach! The phytonutrients in these veggies can help protect your skin from sun damage (but that doesn’t mean to skip the SPF, of course).
Now, that does not mean that eating your fruits and veggies should be your only defense against signs of aging. A healthy diet should be paired with an effective skincare routine if you want to see results.
While genetics certainly play a role when it comes to how your skin ages, it isn’t the only deciding factor. There are many outside sources besides genetics that can have a major impact on your skin such as sun damage and free radicals. Free radicals not only contribute to the aging process, but could also cause acne and other skin problems as well.
If you truly want to slow the signs of aging and keep your skin looking youthful, a good skincare routine and diet is essential. As the other tips here suggest, wear sunscreen, eat right, and use only the products you truly need.
1. Sunscreen is only for the beach.

2. You can stop using anti-aging products once you start seeing results.

3. The more products you use, the better.

4. Diet doesn’t affect wrinkles.

5. Genes always determine how and when you age.