So many people today try to eliminate fat from their diets in an effort to lose weight. But did you know that there are healthy fats your body needs in order to function efficiently? Cutting back on fats too much can actually have some consequences for you and your body. Not sure if you’re getting enough? Here are five signs you might need more fat in your diet…
Your oil-producing glands provide your skin with natural moisturizers that keep your skin looking good and feeling healthy. Those glands rely on fatty acids in order to produce the oil you need. Don’t fall victim to believing all oil is bad for your skin – it’s essential to your skin’s health.
By regularly providing your body with the fatty acids it needs, you will start to see better-looking skin in time. Unfortunately, you won’t see immediate results, but over time it will be worth it. This is especially important to keep in mind during those winter months when skin gets drier!
Do you find that you often hit an energy slump in the afternoon? Don’t turn to caffeine for a quick fix. Instead, take a look at your diet. Are you consuming enough fat? A lack of fat in your diet can leave you feeling downright tired and fatigued. Fat is actually a source of energy for your body, so you don’t want to deprive yourself of it. Try adding a healthy fat to your breakfast or lunch to see if that helps fight off those energy slumps.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes you find it hard to think clearly? Maybe you’re forgetting things or your brain just has you feeling a little fuzzy? It’s possible that your diet could be the culprit.
Make sure you’re incorporating plenty of omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fats into your diet to keep your brain functioning at its best. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for both memory and your overall mental performance. Dietary fats help to build cell membranes in the brain and produce a barrier of fatty insulation around nerve fibers. To put it simply, it helps those fibers carry messages to your brain much faster. Just another reason to make sure you’re eating plenty of good fats.
Are your meals leaving you feeling full for a long time or do you find that you’re hungry again only a couple hours after eating? If you’re getting hungry often, it could be that your meals don’t contain enough fat. Your meals should contain the right kind of fats to ensure your body is getting the nutrition it needs and to make sure you’re actually staying full.
The American Heart Association recommends your meals are a combination of polyunsaturated fats (such as fish, nuts, leafy greens) and monounsaturated fats (avocado, peanut butter, olive oil) to get the most health benefits.
There are plenty of healthy fats that we should be incorporating into our daily diets. But if you aren’t sure where to get started, here are a few healthy fats we love and that you should make a part of your daily meals…
1. Your skin is dry.

2. You have zero energy.

3. You find it hard to think clearly.

4. You’re hungry more often.

Foods to Incorporate Into Your Diet

- Avocados
- Nuts (walnuts are a great option)
- Olive oil