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4 Myths About Food & Your Skin

4 Myths About Food & Your Skin
Do you ever feel like the clarity of your skin is affected by what you eat? In some cases, this is absolutely true but other times there is no direct correlation. In case you are driving yourself crazy with diet restrictions to keep your skin in tiptop shape, here are four myths about food and your skin. Find out which ones are facts and which are fiction!

Myth: Coffee leads to more acne.

coffee_myth Fact: Coffee is a complex drink. While it’s packed with antioxidants that are great for your skin, the caffeine in coffee can increase stress hormones by boosting adrenaline and causing more alertness. Stress hormones do tend to increase acne, but studies have not shown a direct link between drinking coffee and acne. Phew!

Myth: All chocolate leads to breakouts.

dark chocolate myth Fact: Pure chocolate (such as dark chocolate made from cacao) does not cause breakouts and it is rich in antioxidants. Unfortunately, the chocolate that we often find in our favorite sweets is loaded with preservatives and dairy that do cause acne. What to do? If you’re in the mood for chocolate but don’t want to sacrifice your skin, reach for dark chocolate instead and nosh sparingly.

Myth: Dairy is bad for your skin.

organic_milk_myth Fact: While there are theories about dairy and its effect on skin, these theories do not show a true cause and effect relationship. Dairy, especially in the form of milk, is a great source of calcium and vitamin D. If you are concerned about dairy’s effect on your skin, try choosing organic milk, which has lower hormone levels.

Myth: Fatty food leads to oily skin.

fatty_food_myth Fact: Fast food leading to acne is one of the biggest skin care myths. Eating greasy foods should not cause breakouts unless the grease comes in contact with your skin. To prevent blocked pores from eating greasy food, make sure to avoid greasy finger foods and always wash your hands before touching your face.
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